Tuesday, October 7, 2008

GET FIT TIPS - Weekly Advice

Q. I am currently working two jobs (seven days a week), a college student and I am a single mother of an 8 yr old little boy who has several different activities he’s apart of. As you can probably imagine, by end of most days I am pretty exhausted, I would really like to increase my level of energy and become a healthier person. Can you provide ideas on how I can improve my health and increase my level of everyday activity? K.A. -Maryland

A. The first thing I would like to recommend is a healthy or healthier diet. It's very important that you begin each morning with a balanced breakfast consisting of foods that are high in energy such as fruits and foods high in fiber. You need to stay away from foods that are high in fats, such as fried foods, sugar, white breads, etc.

I also urge you to squeeze in a work out at some point in your day. If you have to get up at 5am, consider getting up at 4:30am and get in a 20-30 minute cardio workout. This will increase your metabolism and your energy level a great deal. Another option, if you are the type that enjoys working out in a gym setting, is to find a gym facility that has free child care or a child watch area. A little workout is better than no workout!!!!

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